Wednesday, May 27, 2009

a little obsession

Thanks to an awesome Mother's Day gift I've been looking at the class lists at Ornamentea and Panopolie and saw a listing for their Altered Books Club. Altered Books are, as far as I can tell, scrapbooks without the relevancy. I was intrigued, so I've been digging up little things about it and I picked up a free book at the used bookstore today to play with. It seems like most people use them as what I would call an art journal - covering up the original book entirely - and not as many seem to derive the art from the book itself. There are no words for how cool these are.

Also, it seems to be a really cool way to make a book of words and pictures for my toddler. Though for him I think I'm going to dig up a binder and some white paper to start with.

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